
Non-Surgical Butt Lift

Conveniently located to serve the Phoenix, Glendale and Scottsdale area.

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Beso Wellness and Beauty stands at the forefront of non-invasive aesthetic treatments, serving the Phoenix, Glendale, and Scottsdale areas. Among the myriad of treatments we offer, one of the most sought-after is the non-surgical butt lift. This revolutionary technique helps you achieve a shapelier derrière without the risks and downtime associated with traditional surgical procedures. We strive to bring out the best version of you, boosting not only your physical appeal but also your self-confidence and overall well-being.

What is a Non-Surgical Butt Lift?

Non-surgical butt lift, as the name suggests, is a minimally invasive treatment designed to improve the size, shape, and contour of your buttocks without resorting to surgery or implants. This technique utilizes injectable fillers, typically Sculptra or hyaluronic acid-based fillers, to stimulate collagen growth in your buttocks, enhancing their volume and giving you a naturally augmented look.

This modern cosmetic treatment breaks away from traditional invasive methods, providing a safer, faster, and more natural way to sculpt your buttocks. It’s a testament to the evolution of cosmetic procedures, leaning towards less invasive techniques while still delivering fantastic, noticeable results.

Benefits of a Non-Surgical Butt Lift

The non-surgical butt lift stands out in the realm of aesthetic treatments due to its numerous advantages over traditional surgical options. It is a minimally invasive procedure with little to no downtime, allowing patients to quickly return to their daily routines. With non-surgical butt lifts, you can say goodbye to prolonged recovery periods and potential surgical complications.

One of the standout benefits of a non-surgical butt lift is the natural-looking results it offers. The procedure subtly adds volume to your buttocks, resulting in a more pronounced, firmer, and lifted backside that still aligns with your body’s natural proportions.

Lastly, unlike surgical procedures where results are often permanent and difficult to reverse, a non-surgical butt lift gives you the flexibility to maintain, alter, or reverse the effects based on your evolving aesthetic preferences.


The non-surgical butt lift is an excellent option for anyone seeking to enhance their buttocks’ size and shape without undergoing invasive surgery. If you have a flat or asymmetrical buttocks and desire a fuller, firmer, and more contoured appearance, this could be the ideal procedure for you.

During your consultation at Beso Wellness and Beauty, our dedicated team will carry out a comprehensive evaluation of your health, understand your aesthetic aspirations, and help determine if the non-surgical butt lift can deliver the transformation you seek.

For patients who recently underwent surgery and are still healing or are still undergoing sensitive treatments, waiting before getting a non-surgical butt lift would be recommended. The same goes for anyone who is still recovering from injuries located in the general area of the buttocks.

Consultations with Beso in AZ

During the consultation for a non-surgical butt lift, patients will be asked a few questions. These will pertain to their health and medical records. The buttocks will also be examined to determine how best to give patients the results that they desire.

At Beso Wellness and Beauty, we place a premium on the consultation process. Each consultation is an opportunity for us to understand your needs, answer your questions, and craft a personalized treatment plan that will yield the best results. Our experienced staff will guide you through each step of the process, from initial consultation to post-treatment care, ensuring you are comfortable and well-informed at all stages.

Preparing for a Non-Surgical Butt Lift

Preparation for a non-surgical butt lift primarily involves maintaining a healthy lifestyle in the lead-up to your appointment. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate hydration can significantly contribute to a smoother procedure and faster recovery.

It’s also advisable to abstain from smoking and limit alcohol intake as these can impact your body’s healing process. On the day of the treatment, wear loose, comfortable clothing that won’t put pressure on the treated area.

What to Expect

The non-surgical butt lift is a quick, straightforward procedure that is performed under local anesthesia. After applying a topical numbing cream, the aesthetic practitioner uses a fine needle to inject dermal fillers into specific areas of the buttocks to augment and shape them.

The procedure usually takes about 1-2 hours, depending on the number of injections required. Thanks to local anesthesia, discomfort during the treatment is minimal. The majority of patients are able to return to their everyday activities immediately following the procedure.

The BBL Procedure in Scottsdale

A non-surgical butt lift begins with a detailed assessment of your body and a discussion about your aesthetic goals. Once the treatment areas are marked, a numbing cream is applied to your buttocks to ensure a comfortable experience.

Next, our skilled aesthetician will meticulously inject the dermal fillers into the targeted areas using a very fine needle. These fillers add volume to your buttocks while also stimulating your body’s natural collagen production, resulting in a more substantial and shapely rear.

After Care

Following a non-surgical butt lift, it’s not uncommon to experience some minor swelling, bruising, or tenderness in the treated areas. However, these effects are temporary and typically resolve within a few days.

After the procedure, you’ll be advised to avoid strenuous activities and exercises that might put pressure on your buttocks. Gentle walks, however, are encouraged to help minimize swelling and speed up recovery.

Our team at Beso Wellness and Beauty will provide you with detailed aftercare instructions to ensure you have a smooth recovery and maximize the longevity of your results.

Associated Procedures in Phoenix and Scottsdale

In addition to non-surgical butt lifts, Beso Wellness and Beauty offers a range of complementary aesthetic treatments designed to help you look and feel your best. Procedures such as CoolSculpting and EmSculpt can be excellent complements to a non-surgical butt lift, helping to sculpt other areas of the body and create a harmonious, well-contoured silhouette.

Additionally, we provide an array of facial aesthetic treatments, including Botox, dermal fillers, and PDO thread lifts. These treatments can be combined with a non-surgical butt lift for a holistic approach to beauty and wellness.


The price of a non-surgical butt lift at Beso Wellness and Beauty depends on the specific needs of the individual and the extent of treatment required. During your initial consultation, our team will provide a detailed cost estimate based on your personalized treatment plan. We are committed to transparent pricing without any hidden costs.


How long do the results of a non-surgical butt lift last?

The effects of a non-surgical butt lift typically last up to two years. However, this duration can vary depending on the type of filler used and how your body responds to the treatment.

Is there any downtime after a non-surgical butt lift?

One of the key advantages of a non-surgical butt lift is the minimal downtime. Most patients can return to their daily activities immediately after the procedure, with some restrictions on strenuous physical activity for a few days.

Will a non-surgical butt lift give me a ‘Kardashian-esque’ booty?

The goal of a non-surgical butt lift is not to mimic the proportions of a celebrity, but to enhance your natural silhouette and create a more lifted and firm buttocks that fits your body type and personal aesthetic preferences.

Are there any side effects or risks associated with a non-surgical butt lift?

Like any aesthetic procedure, a non-surgical butt lift can have potential side effects, including temporary swelling, bruising, and mild discomfort. However, these usually resolve within a few days. Our team will discuss all potential risks and benefits with you during your consultation.

Can I still get a non-surgical butt lift after getting implants?

This will be discussed during the consultation for the non-surgical butt lift, since each case is different. A lot of it will depend on what the goals are for getting the additional treatment and if looking for alternative solutions wouldn’t be better to achieve them.

Could I be allergic to fillers used in non-surgical butt lifts?

The chance of having an allergic reaction to the injectables used for a non-surgical butt lift is statistically low. While there are still risks, the fillers used for this minimally invasive procedure are well-tolerated by the body.

Can I sit or lie on my buttocks after a non-surgical butt lift?

Yes, you can sit and lie on your buttocks after a non-surgical butt lift. However, it’s recommended to avoid prolonged pressure on your buttocks for the first few days following the procedure to maximize results and ensure a smooth recovery.

Discover a new level of body confidence with the non-surgical butt lift at Beso Wellness and Beauty. Contact us today to book your consultation and embark on your journey to a more confident, radiant you.


  1. "Nonsurgical Buttock Augmentation with Injectable, Permanent Filler." Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology.
  2. Sarnoff DS, Gotkin RH. (2015). "Six Steps to the "Perfect" Lip." Journal of Drugs in Dermatology.
  3. Singh SM, Geddes ER, Boutrous SG, Galiano RD, Friedman PM. (2016). "Review of Non-Surgical Procedures for Treating Hyperpigmentation." Dermatology and Surgery.


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